What We Do

We do Artificial Intelligence base research in Healthcare, Aviation and Cyber Security to solve world problems.

About Company

LeObran Ltd is a Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning base Reserach company in the field of Healthcare, Aviation and Cyber Security to solve real world problems.

We Have Done Portfolio



Bio-Photonics utilize photonic energy to regenerate tissues.


Cyber Security

Utilizing Information and Cyber Security to safeguard Aircraft, Satellites and Space vehicles communication links from Quantum computer and AI base threats.


IntelliHealth AI Medical Diagnosis.

It utilize state of art Artificial Intelligence for medical diagnosis. It assists medical practitioners(Doctors). It diagnose base on Disease Symptoms, Disease images and Medical Reports.


Aircraft Turbulance Detection

Aircraft has difficulty in detecting Calm Air Turbulance(CAT). Which hurts passengers and damage aircraft in air. Our advance ML base reaserch will diagnose CAT 20-80 seconds ahead. Pilot alerting will significantly reduce incidents and improve passenger experience.

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